Sunday, November 25, 2012

Frequently Asked Dental/Orthodontic Questions:

When it comes to the health and longevity of your teeth, you probably have several questions. Here are several common questions we at Smile Team Orthodontics get asked regularly and some answers that may be helpful to you:

Q: When should my child be seen my an orthodontist?
A: According to the AAO, your child should be seen my an orthodontist by age 8.

Q: Do I really need to floss every tooth?
A: Yes! Flossing helps to remove food and build up that brushing leaves behind and helps to keep your gums healthy.

Q: Why do my gums bleed?
A: There can be multiple reasons your gums bleed but the most common is inadequate removal of plaque from the teeth and gums. Click here for more information.

Q: Should I have my wisdom teeth removed even if they are not causing me any problems?
A: It is recommended to have your wisdom teeth removed in adolescent age when the roots are much smaller. If you have any questions or concerns be sure to contact your dentist for an evaluation.

Q: How important are baby teeth?
A: Even though the baby teeth will eventually fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth the baby teeth are extremely important in maintaining space for the permanent teeth.

Q: How long should I wear my retainers?
A: You should wear your retainers as instructed by your orthodontist. We recommend wearing them at night for as long as you would like to maintain the shape and position of your teeth and smile.

Q: How often should I see my dentist?
A: It is recommended to be seen by a dentist every 6 months. This way your dentist can monitor any possible problems and prevent others from occurring.

Q: My braces are causing sores in my mouth; what can I do?
A: Sores caused by braces are very common. Dental wax and oral antiseptics are helpful in making you more comfortable.

Q: What should I do if I have a problem with my braces?
A: We recommend you call our office in the event you are having a problem with your braces and if you are having a problem when we are out of the office you can call our emergency phone for assistance.

Q: What foods should I stay away from when I have braces?
A: It is best to stay away from anything hard, sticky, and chewy when you have braces.

I hope these answers have been helpful in clarifying any questions or concerns you may have. If you would like anymore helpful tips just visit our website at

Chalice Fraser, RDA

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Hardest Work We Will Ever Do (But – the most important) (continued)

Well, "Now that I know it is important", you might ask, “fine, how do I do it?”  Or you may not ask, but I am going to give you what I have learned, anyway.  

First, forgiveness is a decision.  A decision which says the person I need to forgive owes me nothing.  I totally release him!  For many of us, this decision is not enough.  I know my work of forgiveness is not done when I think about the person or the situation and those old feelings rise in my heart. 

Second, I have to follow James of the Bible’s suggestion – I have to pray for my enemies.  I cannot tell you how it works, but I can tell you it works.  If I pray for the individual, asking God to bless him and give him the desires of his heart, before long the anger, bitterness and resentment goes away.

Again, I can’t explain why or how it works.  I can tell you, though, through my experience and by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ  – it works!

Here are some other helpful Bible verses on forgiveness:
  • Ephesians 4:32
  • Matthew 5:23-24
  • Matthew 6:14-15
  • Matthew 18:21-22
  • Numbers 14:19-20

Dr. David R. Sain, D.D.S.