Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What to Do in Case of an Emergency

What to Do if You Have an Emergency:

Having braces can sometimes be a stressful experience and even more stressful when something goes "wrong". Smile Team Orthodontics has (what we call) an Emergency Phone for just these situations. Now, what qualifies as an emergency and what can wait until the next office day?

Here are some tips to help you determine when you should call our emergency phone:

   Wire is Poking - Although, we do all we can to ensure you are completely comfortable before you leave our office, sometimes we can't stop things from happening. As your teeth begin to shift (especially after changing to a new wire) your wire can also shift and stick out of the bracket. This can cause discomfort to your cheek, gums, or even lips.
   Broken Bracket - When we say "broken bracket" we don't necessarily mean that the bracket is actually broken but that it is off of the tooth. This does not always qualify as an emergency, so don't feel pressured to call our emergency phone just because you have a bracket loose. Though, if it is causing you discomfort we want you to call us right away. If the bracket is not causing discomfort it is okay to call our office on the following business day, so that we may schedule an appointment to replace the bracket.
   Loose/Broken Appliance - Sometimes, your appliance (such as a Jaw Corrector [Herbst] or Expander) can come loose from your teeth. If this happens you should call our emergency phone so that we can get you in as soon as possible to re-seat it.
   Rubber Band Hook Has Come Off - Wearing your rubber bands is very important and if one of the hooks comes off it can make it extremely difficult to do so. This is one of the easiest things to fix that can have the most signifiant effect on your treatment. This, also, does not necessarily qualify as an emergency, but we do need you to come in as soon as possible so that we can keep your treatment on schedule.
   Broken/Lost Retainer - After you get your braces off you are given retainers so that we can maintain the changes we have made. If you are not wearing your retainer your teeth will move and then your retainer will no longer fit. It is extremely important to try and wear your retainers every night as instructed. If you happened to lose or break your retainer call our office as soon as possible so that we may see you to replace the retainer. You definitely do not want to have worn braces for nearly 2 years just to have your teeth move back.
   Sports/Trauma Related Injuries -  A major cause of tooth loss in people under the age of 35 are sports, accidents, and fights. Just like your skin and bones, teeth are at risk for injury. Any type of trauma to your teeth and jaws can be considered an emergency. If you are in doubt, please, call the emergency phone or our office so that we may look and see if there is any thing to be concerned about. And remember, just like when you wear shin guards, helmets, and other body padding it is extremely important to protect your teeth with the proper mouthguard and Smile Team Orthodontics just so happens to have plenty for you to choose from.

Hopefully, this has helped you understand our procedures for "emergencies" and if you are ever in doubt, just call! We are always happy to help you in any way we can.

Chalice Fraser, RDA

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